Saturday, April 12, 2008

Busy Bee

WOW a few bloggs in a week Katie you are inspiring!!! Well I have been quiet the busy Bee the past few days!!!!
Yesterday morning I helped a friend for a few hours. then came home and cleaned my house...yes even mopped with El Distructor up, did laundry...and actually folded and put it away, I even made my hubby lunch and preped dinner for him to grill. then took my friends daughter so they could finish moving. Today mady some sweet oatmeal. I am going to go Scower down my bathroom then off to Katies house to help organize here home from the move so she can find things LOL.
You have got to love that very last leg of pregnantce The sudden burst of energy dose not suck!!!!! PS 6 days till we Hold Alison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Trotter Family said...

Aren't you a saint? As much as I would like to be a bit more productive, I am a waste of space right now! Oh well, she will be out soon and I can go back to normal life....I think!

Katie Schultz said...

Good Luck Jess. I am so excited for the day I get to see allison on your Blog. hehe. Way to to productive, sounds like you're getting more stuff done than me... no thanks to my blog addiction. love you