We went to our first drive in movie...yeah they still have drive in movies it was such a blast we took Susan's Jeep put the back seats down and made a nest in the back with pillows and blankets opend the back window and watched the disney movie UP it was such a cute movie and such a great time with the babies
Now while in the interesting state of Kentucky we played on slipin side pools and tay seriously couldn't get enough of being Big Nicks lil helper his favorite was helping play in big Nicks "cool car" as Tay called it
And alison was not to be forgotten with her sweet dance moves out side dancen up a storm with suesue
The Next great Adventure was a trip to the louisville ZOO it was the kids first time to the Zoo Tay loved it and cracked me up his favorite things seemed to be things we could see often like turtels okay it was a cool aligater turtel the duckes ect ect and something to make Big PAPA Tay didnt like the monkeys even the gorila he was more excited about her birthday present then about her (it was the gorilas birthday that day) But he did love riding the elephant.....statue hehee. ALison had the best time people watching the only animal she really got stoked on was the cheata my lil wild aliKat
The next grand adveture was the 4th of July...oh my word you couldnt have seen a happier boy then taylor running around that fireworks tent momm look mom look Ahhh cool mom cool. Well the day of the 4th it rained but that wasnt going to stop us no lightning no faul we grilled and we got that 3D side walk chalk ahhh man if you havent tryed it you should its soooo dang cool not only did the kids love it the adults all had a blast with it. That and some good tunes so you have dancing with puddel jumping thats a recipet for good times no matter what your age. Once it got darker we set of TONES of fire works...my funny boy was affriad of the sparklers and was not going to have any part in that but once the roman candels where going off he couldnt get enough of that....soooo as hard as it was for this mama to watch the boys helped taylor light and shake his first 2nd and 3rd roman candel taylor was in hog heaven. Theres tay and Ali drawing in the rain there is Tay and Ben drawing and there is Alison dancing in the biggest puddel she could find....I couldnt keep her out of it soo we just had fun jumping all the water out of the puddel hehehe
It was a Great big long trip but we all had a blast and man wear we beat when we made it home. Once home I gave my self a peddicure and alison just couldnt stand not being all painted to so my mad artistic skills managed to paint her toes and fingures LOL yeah I didnt say the nails that girl was still for a few fingers and a few toes then I had to distract her from touching anything including her own toes and fingers LOL but we had fun think I will try it again this weekend
Looks like a blast of a trip! I especially love the pictures of the zoo... i love zoo's....especially when is puddle jumping to be had.
I can't believe you got her to stay still long enough to paint her nails. I tried once and failed. Looks cute!
Hey, I'm from Louisville! Glad you had a good time in my hometown!
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